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World Union of Wound Healing Societies

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Dansk Selskab for Sårheling

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Diabetic Foot Study Group

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National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP)

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International Compression Club

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International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP)

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International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF)

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European Tissue Repair Society

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Norsk Karkirurgisk Forening (NKKF)

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Tissue Viability Society

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Norsk forening for dermatologi og venerologi

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The Lymphoedema support network

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European Burns Association (EBA)

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Wounds Australia

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New Zealand Wound Care Society

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Wound Management Association of Ireland

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Wounds Canada

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Norsk Sykepleieforbund

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Norsk endokrinologisk forening

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Norsk Ortopediteknisk Forening

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Ortopeditekniske Virksomheters Landsforening (OVL)

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Cardiff Univerisity-Wound Healing Research Unit (WHRU)/WWIC

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European Association for the study of Diabetes

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Tissue Engineering International & Regenerative Medicine Society

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American Board of Wound Management

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Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society

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Associations for the Advancement of Wound Care

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Leg Ulcer Forum

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Lindsay Legclub Foundation

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Global Scar Society (G-ScarS)

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Svensk Sjuksköterskeförenings Webbplats

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Mid-America Wound Healing Society

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Wound Healing Society

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Wound Healing Foundation

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Wound healing Asssociation of Southern Africa

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American Professional Wound Care Association (APWA)

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Swiss Asssociation for Woundcare (SAFW)

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Chinese Tissue repair Society (CTRS)

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Austrian Wouncare Association (AWA)

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandling e.V.

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